Hey there!

I’m Jeena Mason

I am certified Ikigai coach with a background in psychology and training in various coaching methodologies, including positive psychology and solution-focused coaching.

As an Ikigai coach, I am here to help you discover your unique passions and purpose, and guide you on a path to creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I have a background in psychology and have been trained in various coaching methodologies, including positive psychology and solution-focused coaching. I belief in the power of Ikigai, or a reason for being, drives my mission to help people find and cultivate their ikigai so they can live a fulfilling and meaningful life. Through one-on-one coaching sessions and personalized action plans, I guide my clients on their journey to finding their ikigai and making positive changes in their lives.


Since 2012

I Help Individuals Discover Their Sense Of Purpose Or Meaning In Life.

Through personalized coaching sessions, I will work with you to explore your strengths, values, and goals, and develop a plan that helps you move forward with purpose and direction. We will also focus on cultivating a positive mindset, improving your relationships and connections, and enhancing your overall well-being.

As an Ikigai coach, I help people navigate the process of discovering their Ikigai and develop strategies for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. This may involve helping people identify their passions and strengths, as well as finding ways to apply these in a way that aligns with their values and goals. I use a variety of coaching techniques and approaches to support people in finding and pursuing their Ikigai.

A desire to make a difference

Why I Choose Ikigai Coaching?

I have a personal passion for helping others discover their sense of purpose and meaning in life, and find fulfillment in using the Ikigai framework to support people in this process.

I also experienced the benefits of discovering and pursuing your own Ikigai, and have a desire to help others do the same. I have found that the concept of Ikigai has been personally transformative for me, and I want to share this with others.

Additionally, I have a background in coaching or a related field, and have found that the Ikigai framework aligns with my personal values and goals as a coach. I may be drawn to the holistic and values-based approach of Ikigai coaching, and find it a rewarding and fulfilling way to make a difference in the lives of others.

How it works

The coaching process typically begins with an initial consultation to assess the client’s needs and goals.we can work towards finding your purpose and creating a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Initial Consultation

We will start with an initial
consultation to discuss your
goals, challenges, and aspirations,
and to determine how coaching
can support you on your journey.


Coaching Plan & Session

We will meet regularly for
coaching sessions, either in
person or online, to work through
the steps outlined inyour
coaching plan.


Support & Accountability

Between coaching sessions, I will
provide support and
accountability to help you stay on
track and make progress towards
your goals.

Are You Ready To Discover Your Ikigai And Start Living A More Fulfilling Life?

Schedule a consultation with me to explore how ikigai coaching can help you achieve your goals and live a balanced and meaningful life. I would love to support you on your journey to finding purpose and fulfillment. Click here to schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards your ikigai.”

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